

Blaise Pascal, the French philosopher and mathematician, once ventured to suggest that if the nose of Cleopatra had been smaller the whole face of the earth would be different. It is debatable just how much influence the Queen's nose had in enchanting the beloved Anthony but that noses have had no small part in the making of individual and national history will go without question. So must is this fact recognized today that Professor Donald Laird of Colgate University is making a special research on noses. Undoubtedly many treasures are in store for him. To date his study reveals that not only is the nose a very determining factor in forming the character of the face, but that certain suffers are so sensitive in their make-up that they can distinguish races, families, even houses by scent alone. This might be assumed by the ability of boodhounds to trace out individuals; but Dr. Laird hastens to drive home the point that a keen sense of smell is not confined to the lower animals. Many a good women who tells the history of her husband's club meeting by the odor of his clothes bears ample witness to that.

And who will deny that the nose has had a significant role in deciding the fate of many unfortunate individuals in Germany today? Racial origins may be disputed, hands may be tied, but emigration statistics in the Fatherland show you can't fool Hitler on what a German's nose should be like. According to one news item, several of the tainted ones have tried to help matters by cultivating a mustache.

However, with the advent of modern science and new standards of charm, the nose has lost many of its powers. Yet in the Congo, it still plays an important part in attracting mates. The theory among the savages is that the eyes are fickle, but that once a man is nosed, all the anthropologists in Africa can't beak the spell. Where the nose has lost much is in its powers of prophecy. Time was, when our nose itched, we knew we were to hear good news be kissed by a fool, or take a long journey. Now we just call it an itch and scratch. That's civilization.
