
Program of General Examinations and Examinations for Honors

All students who are to be excused from any final examinations will receive from the designated authority in the field a list of such examinations. A stu- who absents himself from an examination without official excuse from the designated authority in the field of concentration will lose credit for the course. MORNING Monday, May 6 9.15--12.15Anthropology (written) Peabody Museum 9.15--12.15  English Literature (Part One) New Lecture Hall 9.15--12.15  French, German, Italian and Spanish Literatures New Lecture Hall 9.15--12.15  Greek Translation Sever 29 *9.15--12.15  Government Economics  (Departmental) Memorial Hall *9.15--1.15  History (Departmental) Emerson D *9.15--1.15  History and Literature--Final General Examination and Qualifying Examination (for Juniors, candidates for Honors) Emerson D 9.15--12.15  History of Ancient Philosophy and General Psychology Emerson 211 9.15--12.15  Sociology Emerson 211 *The Examination will begin at 9.15. The blue books will be distributed at that hour. The papers, however, will be distributed at 9 o'clock to those present. The obvious purpose of this arrangement is to allow 15 minutes extra time before the examination to those who may wish to read over the paper. MORNING Tuesday May 7 9.15--11.15  Fine Arts (written, with slides) Large Fogg Lecture Room 9.15--12.15  Geological Sciences Sever 29 9.15--12.15  Latin Translation Literature, Ancient Authors (Honors) Sever 29 9.15--12.15  Systematic Philosophy and Special Psychological Topics Emerson A MORNING Wednesday, May 8 --  Anthropology (oral) Peabody Museum 9.15--12.15  Biochemical Sciences Emerson 211 9.15--12.15  Biology Emerson A 9.15--12.15  English Literature (Part Two) Emerson D 9.15--12.15  Greek Composition (Greek 3 and 7) Sever 29 9.15--1.15  History, Government and Economics (Special) Memorial Hall 9.15--12.15  Literature, Modern Authors (Honors) Emerson D 9.15--12.15  History of Modern Philosophy Emerson F 9.15--12.15  Sociology Emerson F MORNING Thursday, May 9 --  Anthropology (oral) Peabody Museum 9.15--12.15  Astronomy Observatory 9.15--12.15  Biology Emerson A 9.15--12.15  Fine Arts (General) Large Fogg Lecture Room 9.15--12.15  Latin Composition (Latin 3 and 7) Sever 29 MORNING Friday, May 10 9.15--12.15  Biochemical Sciences Emerson 211 9.15--12.15  English Literature (Part Three) Emerson D 9.15--12.15  Geological Sciences Sever 29 9.15--12.15  Greek Literature Sever 29 9.15--12.15  History Gov'nment Economics  (Correlation) Memorial Hall 9.15--12.15  Sociology Emerson D AFTERNOON 2.00--5.00  Music (Examination A) Music Building MORNING Saturday, May 11 9.15--12.15  Latin Literature Sever 29 MORNING Monday, May 18 9.15--12.15  Classics (General) Sever 29 9.15--12.15  History and Literature Bible and Shakspere  (for Sophomores only) Emerson 211 9.15--12.15 and 2.00--5.00  Mathematics (Honors candidates only) Sever 29 9.15--1.15  Mathematics (non-Honors candidates only) Sever 5 9.15--12.15  Physics (General) Jefferson 363 AFTERNOON 2.00--5.00  Music (Examination B) Music Building 2.00--5.00  Mathematics (Honors candidates only) Sever 29 MORNING Tuesday, May 14 9.15--12.15  Physics (General) Jefferson 363 AFTERNOON Wednesday, May 15 2.00--5.00  Music (Examination C) Music Building MORNING Thursday, May 16 9.15--11.15  Mathematics (Special Field--for all students) Sever 29 MORNING Friday, May 17 9.15--12.15  Physics (Special) Jefferson 363 AFTERNOON 2.00--5.00  Music (Examination D) Music Building
