Climaxing this year's series of rehearsals in the last joint concert of the year, the Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Society will combine to present the Bach Mass tomorrow afternoon and evening in Symphony Hall.
The concert will bring to an end the Bach-Handel Festival celebrating the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of the birth of both composers. The following members of the Glee Club will take part:
Carlisle Abell '35, John L. Angel '36, John E. Ashley '37, William J. Baker '36, Robert R. Barker '36, Edward L. Barnes '38, Donald I. Bell '37, Leslie C. Bigelow '36, John L. Bishop '37, Bruce O. Bliveu, Jr. '37, David D. Bonnet '37, John W. Bowden '36, Lomuel Bowden, Jr. '36, Francis G. Brigham, Jr. '37, Edward M. Brooks '37, James H. Brooks '38, George W. Brown '37, Thomas A. Buffum '37, John H. Burns '37, William G. Burt '38.
William G. Cahan '35, Edwin E. Calviu '35, Hallock C. Campbell 3G, Courtland Canby '36, Edward T. Canby 1G, Robert S. Chafee '36, Zechariah Chafee 1G.B., Gabriel G. Cillie 2G, Thaddeus Clapp 4G, William Ames Coates '37, Manley B. Cohen '36, James R. Coolidge, Jr. '38, Robert R. Covell '36, Hardin Craig 3G, Arthur K. Dacy '37, Edward C. Dahl '38, MaeDonald Deming '37, Richard H. Dennis '36, Nixon deTarnowsky '35, William ven E. Doering '38, Edward A. Drew '37.
George Ehrenfried '35, John H. Eric '37, Martin S. Erlanger '38, Benjamin G. C. Fincke '37, Irving C. Fine '37, Egbert W. Fischer '36, Walter D. Fischer '37, Eben H. Fiske ocC., Thomas Flint gr.E. S., Cleavland Floyd, Jr. '37, Hans W. Forster '36, William D. Fraser '38, Emil J. Ganem '37, Francis A. Goodhue, Jr. '37, Nathaniel B. Groton, Jr. '37, John H. Gilbert '36.
Bayard H. Hale '37, John B. Hamblet '35, L. Harap Gr., Arthur R. Hartwig '37, Morrison C. Haviland '37, Malcolm L. Hayward '37, Everett B. Helm 1G., Hugh F. Hinckley '37, John Homans, Jr. '37, James C. Hepkins '38, F. W. Huffman Gr., Alvan Hyde, Jr. '35, Mason VanB, Jennings '38, William W. A. Johnson '36, George D. Keller '37, Herbert V. Kibrick '38, William G. Kirby '35, Morris E. Lasker '38, Copeland W. Lawson 1G., William Levin '37, Laurence H. Levy '37, John B. Little '36.
Milton Machinist '37, Kenneth MacLeish '38, Adolf W. Marburg '37, Henry O. Marcy '37, Richard B. Mather 1G., Daniel W. Meyer '36, Gardner Middlebrook '38, Frederick Miller '37, James L. Morrison '38, John K. Moulton '36, Constantine G. Orfanos 1G., Oglesby Paul '38, John W. Perry '37, Thomas Perry, Jr. '36, Marcy S. Powell 1G., Edward H. Porter '38, David R. Lit '38, M. Victor Leventritt '35.
Elwood M. Rabenold '37, Robert W. Raymond '37, George H. Reed '38, William D. Richmond 1G., Edward H. Riddle '37, Oliver E. Rodgers '36, Selden T. Rodgers '36, Howard E. Roman '36, Lawrence Ross '37, Robert S. Russell '35, Ernest Sachs, Jr. '38, George A. Savage 1S.A., Karl E. Schevill '37, Adolph B. Schneider 1M., Robert F. Sharp '37, William Shelmerdine '37, Stephen S. Stanton '38, Arthur W. Todd '35, Frederick B. Tolles '36.
Henry S. Wann '37, Paul L. Ward 2G., Ira A. Watson '37, Harold P. Welch '36, William Welch '38, Julian A. Wilhelm '36, John J. Witherspoon '37, George H. Wolfson '37, Donald T. Wood '37, James A. E. Wood '37
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