Pertinent questions are being asked in a questionnaire which is being circulated among all Law School students by the Student Advisory Group.
This questionnaire, which is a routine affair and does not reflect any discontent on the part of the Law Men, asks as its leading question "Would you prefer a four year law course combined with four years of college, or would you prefer three years of college with four years of law, the first year of law taking the place of the last year of college?" This final idea was brought up by Dean Pound in his report this year.
A separate section of the paper deals with the problem of individual research. At present there is no specialization allowed for during the course work; the possibility of taking up private research during the third year is considered in the questionnaire.
The results of this questionnaire will be used in the committee's report to the Faculty Curriculum Committee, headed by Warren A. Seavey, professor of Law.
Other points brought up by the questionnaire are: the incorporation of subjects not strictly legal into the Law School course, such as economics, political science, accounting, etc.; the possibility of including a tutorial system during the first year of work; legal aid work available to all third year students; the case system; and the time to be spent on argument and recitation in class and that to be given to lectures.
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