"I wish more Harvard students would apply for the three year fellowships in our new school of government service," complained Professor Carl J. Friedrich, of the Department of Government, yesterday. He also commented on the fact that most of the applications for the awards were from non-Harvard men. "These fellowships were created principally for Harvard students, but unless more apply, they will go to graduates of other colleges."
Candidates have to be graduates of a university with a B. A. degree, and they should be not less than 18 nor more than 24, explained Professor Friedrich. He also pointed out that the course will be for three years, the first year to be spent at Harvard in preliminary research, the second to consist of "field work," or actual practice in some government department, and then for the third year, the students will return to Harvard for correlation of the material and experience of the previous two years.
The exact amount of each stipend has not yet been determined but is estimated at around a thousand dollars a year.
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