The Massachusetts Institute of Technology will conduct this summer a special session designed to "provide an orientation in the field of public service for those who plan to apply their professional training in municipal, state, and national government positions." Speaking before the Associated Harvard Clubs at Pittsburgh Saturday, President Conant reported that Harvard has been giving much thought to the responsibilities of universities for training men for government service. Its business school has already announced a course in public administration. The department of government, cooperating with the departments of history, economics, and sociology and the law school, "is inaugurating next fall a three-year program of graduate study for a small group of carefully selected men."
It is not impossible that these enterprises at Cambridge were in part inspired by the situation which is causing Harvard to make a thorough survey of unemployment among college graduates. But the primary factor, both at M.I.T. and at Harvard, is undoubtedly the conviction that government work is to be increasingly important in the future and that our colleges and technical schools should give intelligent preparation for it.
Although the "brain-trust" has been taking a political beating of late, the need of specialized authorities in our governmental agencies remains more evident than ever. In no other way can a permanent, non-partisan personnel be created which will function with the efficacy and morale of the British civil service. --Boston Herald, May 20.
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