
Fine Arts Guild to Conduct Prize Competition in Fall

Awards Given for Watercolors, Oils, and Photographs

Under the auspices of the Fine Arts Guild, a prize competition of painting and photography for all present Harvard undergraduates will be conducted next fall.

Prizes will be awarded in three different groups. For the best watercolor painting of a landscape or a still life group, a prize of $25 or a half-course in painting at the Guild will be given. No portraits will be accepted in this group, and candidates may submit two pictures of any size.

A similar prize of $25 or a half-course of instruction will be given for the best oil painting with the same restrictions as for the watercolor.

For photographers a first prize of $15 and a second prize of $10 will be awarded for the best prints submitted. The minimum size of the photographs is 8 by 10, and one may submit four pictures.
