
Renouf Russell Head Usher At Jubilee Friday Evening

Fifteen Freshman Associates Named By Committee Members

Renouf Russell, of Chestnut Hill has been named head usher for the Freshman Jubilee on Friday evening, John H. Gardiner, chairman of the committee announced yesterday.

Those who will act with Russell are: C. Russell Allen, William L. Batt, Robert C. Cochrane, Eugene Emerson, Richard McC. Grandin, William T. Glendinning, David S. Glueck, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Herbert V. Kibrick, Jr., Charles S. McVeigh, Jr., John Nesmith, John L. Senior, Jr., Robert A. Uihlein, Jr., Sheldon Ware, and F. Lee H. Wendell.

Sub-committees handling various phases of the dance are: decorations, Thomas B. Campion, Francis Keppel and Russell J. Stern; orchestra and entertainment, George vonL. Meyer, III, Edward H. Porter, and Donald C. Sleeper; arrangements, Peter T. Brooks, Robert C. Downes, and John H. Gardiner.
