
Eliot House to Hold Annual Spring Dance This Evening

Mal Hallett Will Provide Music--Lila Rose to Croon

With Mal Hallett providing the music, and Lila Rose furnishing the croons, Eliot House will hold its annual spring dance tonight from 10 to 3 o'clock. The dance will take place on the new House stage designed by John C. Haggott '35.

Tickets may be obtained at the door for $4.50 a couple and $3 stag. Dinner will be served in the Dining Hall from 7.30 to 8.15 o'clock, with a $1 charge for guests and $.25 additional on the term bill for House members.

Members of the House and their guests may obtain tickets in advance from members of the committee for $2.50 stag, and $4 couple. David W. Brown '36, Chairman of the House Committee, will act as head usher.
