An atlas has been produced with an eye to more than technical utility. Hammond has produced in this volume an atlas of more use than the ordinary book of maps which try to be technically accurate and leave it at that. After History 1, the student here should realize that maps have a story connected with them but even in that excellent course no atlas is provided that contains other data about the various countries.
The World's Almanac has at last a competitor in this register of the vital statistics of the Universe. Waterfalls, steamships, bridges, and the dimensions of the solar system are all listed in the front of the book with numerous other tables of interesting or prominent points which are usually neglected in map-editing.
An "illustrated gazeteer of the world," despite its sideshow title is fairly complete description of each of the countries on the globe with especial emphasis on the recent changes in boundary and forms of government. A short history is included and the usual economic data with a precis of the constitution of each. The whole is illustrated with rather lurid pictures of no great importance but which help to make the page more readable. Working on the theory that present arrangements cannot be understood without showing the historical antecedents the editors have prefaced the main body of maps with about thirty pages showing the development of the modern political units since the Chaidean Empire.
The rest of the contents are more or less stereotyped although the collaring, of the states maps in particular, is carefully arranged to make reading easy and to, avoid confusion. The one mistake seems to be that the compound maps showing currents and altitudes are too complicated to be properly legible but that can be overlooked in the excellence of the rest of the work.
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