

PARIS, May 6 (UP)-Pink gas masks of silk and rubber, held in place by golden head bands, were offered today to women of fashion by the dressmaker Dilkusha.

Some gas masks, for seaside wear, have straw curis or bangs.

It is not surprising that France, undeterred by her recent failure to bring culture to the mulish American male by means of evening perfume, should lead the parado toward a war bigger and more ethic. Occupied with the loathsome mechanics of bombers and howitzers, the cruder nations seem to have lost sight of the aesthetic side of that man Mars. But there is no good reason why Gabrielic Chanel cannot pool her resources with the Quat d'Orsay in a gigantic endeavor, so that at the moment of the next Serajeve France will not be caught with her vanity case unopened.

If the next war is to be the drawing card the last one was, it will have to be made more genteel. There are several trenches in the vicinity of Verdun which could well stand being done over, and the cries are growing steadily louder that the kitchen police be prevented from continuing in their present deplorable ignorance of crepes suzette. Even America will come across with less reluctance if it can forget the horror of it. When the Yanks got off the boats at Brest and step into the chromium roadsters there to meet them they will not forget the farseeing designer who started the movement toward a more elegant war. From the Atlantic to Paris the cry will echo: "Dilkusha, we are here!"
