
Rudy Vallee Believed He Would Be Somebody Outstanding in Anything That Involves Feeling

Crooner Appreciates Reception as Harvard's Renunciation of 1931 Incident

"I always felt that I would become somebody outstanding, whether it was in singing, instrumental playing, orchestra conducting, or anything involving feeling," declared Rudy Vallee to the CRIMSON last night, as he rushed off to fill a theater engagement following his appearance at the Freshman smoker.

Commenting on the enthusiastic greeting which the first-year men gave him, Vallee said, "I felt that the generous reception accorded to me on my first appearance was Harvard's way of showing that they did not approve of that incident in 1931 when one of the undergraduates throw a grapefruit at me during a performance in Boston. Incidentally, I was playing the saxophone at the time, an if that grapefruit had hit the instrument, the mouthpiece would have Jammed into my throat and either killed me or paralyzed me for life."

"As for radio and movies, I like the movies better," continued the crooner, "although the work is much harder. The cinema has microphone technique, staging, and glamour all wrapped up into one. I hope to start my next work in pictures in October, if I can find a good story. However, I have no illusions as to my physiognomy and do not expect to have any outstanding success in my acting."

Only Good Friends

Clearing up once and for all the question of a possible marriage, the man who has set the hearts of a million women palpitating said, "I will probably marry again, once I get a divorce from Fay Webb, although I have nobody in mind at the present time. As for the reports linking Mary Brian and myself, they are distinctly erroneous; we are only good friends."


Concluding the interview, Vallee stoutly asserted that he wants "to die in harness." No retiring to a life of case in Florida or California for him. "I hope always to be busy, even if only directing an orchestra in the pit. However, I should prefer to produce movies or be the directing head of a radio corporation."
