
The Crimson Playgoer

"Stolen Harmony" Packed With All the Conventional Thrills of Movieland

"Stolen Harmony" is a mixture between a gangster pictures, a behind-the-scenes musical cofedy, and a bus romance. It has all the thrills known to conventional movie-land,--speeding busses, motor-cycles and sirens, gangster hideouts, a misunderstood hero, gauze covered females, crooning erotic paw dances, luxurious bars, a gun-battle, tough humor, raucous humor, dirty humor, love and kisses. The packed theatre drooled in ecstasy.

Not only that, but there was a new situation, namely a jazz-orchestra kidnapped and forced to entertain bored desperadoes. That was rather exciting, and of course it seemed excruciatingly so because of the very clever contrast of dullness with which Mr. Zukor filled the first nine-tenths of the film.

After an hour and a half of Ben Bernie's orchestra in the movie, Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees on the stage hardly shone in unrivalled brilliance. But Rudy did have a very excellent mimie with him, who stole the show, and must have exasperated his master by his innumerable encores and curtain calls. The luke-warm so-whatness of it all cheered the chippies in the third gallery; all grapefruit aside, the lay of last minstrel was more salivary than sexy.

Betty Boop has a little dog which also stole a show. Let us hope that it will replace the title role altogether, seeing that her little falsetto, her mannerisms, and her dress make your reviewer's stomach join Alyce's in the diaphragm.
