

Crimson Team Swamps Opponents With Total of Points Nearly Equalling That of Three Rival Squads

Qualifying 42 men out of a possible 82 in the trials and piling up a point score of 79 1-2 out of a possible 165 points in the finals of the field events that were run off, the Harvard Varsity and Freshmen teams romped over the combined forces of M.I.T., Boston University, Northeastern, Boston College, and Tufts in the Greater Boston Intercollegiate Track and Field Meet at the Harvard Stadium yesterday afternoon.

Placing an overwhelming number of qualifiers in the track events, Harvard should amass a huge total in the finals.

Milton Green was the outstanding performer, qualifying for the 110 and 200-meter hurdles, with the fastest times of the day in each event, and grabbing three points in the finals of the broad jump.

In the field events the Varsity was almost matched by Tech, Harvard taking 19 points to M.I.T.'s 18. Boston College. Northeastern, and Boston University brought up the rear. The Harvard Freshmen, however, amassed a total of 58 1-2 points to the 11 1-2 each of B.U. and Northeastern.

The Varsity qualified 27 men to the eight of M.I.T., the runner up, and the seven and six of B.C. and Northeastern respectively, while the Freshmen were putting 15 men in the finals as compared to the seven of B.C., the nearest competitor.
