Generously large scholarships are a salient feature of the unfolding educational program of Harvard's President Conant. One favorite aspect of his plans is the effort to attract to the Eastern school scholars of exceptional ability from the Middle Western and Western states by means of especially attractive scholarships.
Harvard began looking westward last year when awards were provided for students from the states of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. After an examination of the first semester records of the men chosen, Mr. Conant pronounced himself well satisfied with the results. Accordingly, the plan will be extended to include Kentucky, and Iowa this year.
Starting from $200 to $1,000, according to the financial status of the recipient, they are renewable throughout the college career, and may ultimately reach as high as $1,200. Mr. Conant is interested that as far as possible promising students be unhampered by the necessity of working their way through school.
Lack of funds is the customary fly in the ointment. The regrouping of several smaller scholarships formerly offered is not sufficient. A group of a dozen Middle Western students at Harvard is only a beginning to the ambitious program proposed. But where there is conviction and determination like that of Harvard's president, a way will eventually be found to make it possible for Harvard to cater in a considerable way to outstanding students from the West. --Michigan Daily.
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