Now that thieves have extended their operations from the theft of umbrellas at Memorial to the larceny of money, gold watches and other valuables from the gymnasium, it is time that the students became aroused to the evil and turned their attention to the detection of the culprits.
The fact that several men fainted in one of the lecture rooms yesterday only goes to prove more conclusively that the majority of the students in Harvard College do not know good air from bad. Something should be done immediately now that the warm weather is approaching, to make the ventilation in all the rooms more perfect.
For sale cheap--2 Harvard Tricycles, English imported machines at a bargain. 2 Harvard Bicycle machines, 52 inch, at less than cost. 2 50 inch Harvard Bicycles. 2 48 inch Harvard Bicycles. 4 Harvard Safeties. All these machines are warranted best English make, and will be sold at less than cost price. Bicycle suits to order. J. W. Brine.
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