
Copey Will Attend Memorial Society Meeting on April 24

Plans for Tercentenary Celebration Will Be Discussed

Charles Townsend Copeland '82, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, Eomeritus, has accepted the Memorial Society's invitation to attend its meeting on Wednesday, April 24 in Adams House Upper Common room. Professor Copeland's seventy-fifth birthday falls on April 27, but since this date comes on a Saturday, the Society will hold its meeting in his honor on Wednesday.

Copey has promised either to read to the members of the Society or to deal with some reminiscences of his career at Harvard. He will also join in the regular part of the meeting, at which several papers will be read by members. Plans for the Tercentenary, the undergraduate part of which the Society is to direct, will be discussed. Because of lack of space the meeting will be open only to members of the Memorial Society and one friend spiece. The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock and continue as long as Professor Copeland wishes to remain.
