As one phase of the new athletic policy, it is probable that next year only one all-inclusive form of participation ticket will be issued, at a cost of $10. This change, if it will increase the revenue of the H. A. A., is justified; nevertheless, it will emphasize and make even more burdensome the present situation concerning the House squash courts.
H.A.A. participation tickets do not now extend to these courts, for the use of which a special charge of $3 is made One who desires to use the House courts, however, is able to buy one of the restricted cheaper participation tickets, so that his expenditure need not be excessive. Under the proposed new plan, this would be impossible, and the person who desired to participate in another sport in addition to squash would be forced either to pay a total of $13 or to use the Linden Street courts.
It is patently absurd that, because of a mere administrative detail, the so-called University squash courts should be included in the regular H.A.A. ticket while the House courts require an additional fee. There is little to be gained by forcing members of the Houses to desert the squash facilities that have been provided for them-for the majority would do this rather than pay duplicate charges. Since, then, there would be no financial loss involved, the new participation ticket should be extended to include the House courts. The present $3 ticket should, of course, be retained for the benefit of those whose only sport is squash.
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Jayvees Lose