

These who organized the Student Conference on Careers in Government deserve credit for the efficient and facile way in which their plan became an actuality. Unlike many similar Indies which have germinated on the banks of the Charles, this one was conceived with an eye towards the practical difficulties and they were surmounted.

The type of speaker which such a plan demanded appeared on the platform at the stated time. The men who conducted Round Tables knew what was expected of them and did not spend the two hour interval wondering what statements would draw forth the greatest number of questions Sever 11 was equipped with a capacity audience but no persons had to be denied admission. Delegates from other Colleges arrived at Phillips Brooks House and knew what they were supposed to be doing before Saturday afternoon.

In addition, the aim of the Conference was fulfilled. It fortunately was a possible one; that of portraying for the undergraduate what possibilities government service offered him. Whether that picture is permanently engraved on the audience's mind and will direct the course of the future lives is inconsequential for a prescribed task has been welldone. That in itself is a fitting tribute to Mr. Dennett, his undergraduate aides, and Harvard College.
