Fenway: "Hold 'Em Yale," 12.50, 3.30, 6.05, 8.50. "The Case of the Curious Bride," 1.55, 4.46, 7.15, 10.
Fine Arts": "Unfinished Symphony," 1.10, 3.20, 5.30, 7.40, 9.45.
Loew's Orpheum: "Vauessa, Her Love Story," 9.35, 12.40, 3.45, 6.50, 9.55.
Loew's State: "One New York Night," 1.15, 4.15, 7.15, 10.15. "I'll Love You Always," 12.05, 3.05, 6.05, 9.
Metropolitan" "The Traveling Sales-lady," 11.40, 2.05, 4.45, 7.340, 10.20.
Paramount: "The Case of the Curious Bride," 10.23, 1, 3.37, 6.14, 8.41. "Hold 'Em Yale," 9, 11.37, 2.14, 4.51, 7.28, 9.55.
RKO Keith's: "The Searlet Pimpernel." 10, 11.59, 1.58, 3.57, 5.56, 7.55, 9.54.
Keith-Boston: "Roberta," 10.04, 1.04, 4.04, 7.04, 10.04.
University: "Biography of a Bachelor Girl," 3.25, 6.25, 9.25. "Charlie Chan in Paris," 2.05, 5.05, 8.05.
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Jayvees Lose