
1938 Lacrosse Team Opens Season Against Tufts Today

Game to Be Played on Business School Field at 3.30 O'Clock

HARVARD '38  TUFTS '38 Larcom, g.  g., O'Connor Scott, p.  p., Zimman Magurn, cp.  cp., Harris McKellar, 1d.  1d., Connors Cobb, 2d.  2d., Burrage Campion, c.  c. Rossman J. Hunsaker, 2a.  2a., Coolidge P. Hunsaker, 1a.  1a., Greenslade Cleveland, ih.  ih., Vounakes Sutro, oh.  oh., Schapiro

To open its season, the Freshman lacrosse team will meet the Tufts freshmen on the Business School field at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon.
