WHEN the Varsity polo team made its Chicago debut last weekend it was to defeat the Fort Sheridan riders 6-5 1/2 in a game which was touch-and-go until the final whistle. Before a crowd of 11,000 spectators the Harvard trio, Towny Winmill, Hen Gerry, and Captain Tommy Davis demonstrated that they had the winning combination.
The outstanding marksman like scoring by Winmill and Davis gave the galloping Easterners the hairbreadth edge required to defeat their enlisted opponents. Working beautifully together, Davis and Gerry put up such a formidable defense that their hosts were unable to find the necessary scoring loop-hole during the last three chukkers.
Yale's Record Good
It is this combination, with the exception of Gerry, whose illness will prevent his playing, which hopes to down Yale this evening in the Commonwealth Armory. The mallet men, Peter Jay substituting for Gerry, will face a Yale team which has won five of its seven games this season. The Blue riders, Bill Rand, Jr., and last year's Freshman stars, Peter and Bayard Dominick have beaten P.M.C. and lost to West Point by close scores, but they have not played as much as has the Harvard combine, and this lack of experience may spell defeat for the visitors.
Davis Varsity High Scorer
The Varsity's high scorers are Tommy Davis with 23 tallies for the season and Towny Winmill, who brings up a close second with 20. In the Varsity's two intercollegiate matches Winmill was the high scorer for the Crimson riders.
In the Commonwealth Polo League, Harvard's Freshman and Jayvee teams have walked off with the honors for their respective classes. Winning all their matches, Larry Davis, F. Skiddy von Stade, and John Roosevelt comprise the second Freshman team to garner the Estes Cup for Harvard in the last three seasons. Von Stade played at No. 2 position, and from that berth collected the high scoring laurels with 32 points to his credit, Davis with 13 is next in line. This outfit meets Yale at New Haven next week, where they should give a good account of themselves.
Jayvees Win Cup
Even if the Jayvees lose their match this evening, their five straight wins to date put them in line to receive the Commonwealth Polo Association Cup for Class R. Ed Gerry, Fred Ayer, and Paul Fox will meet the Medford trio in the Armory tonight to start off what should develop into one of the best evenings of polo seen there for a long time. Ed Gerry's 29 goals puts him far ahead of his team-mates as regards scoring. He has played several times in the Varsity games, and is the high scorer of the Harvard squad.
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