Following a dinner and election last night in Dunster House, the Phi Beta Kappa Society announced the names of the Junior Eight. They will receive their keys and certificates at the initiation dinner of the Society, which will be held on April 15 at the Harvard Club of Boston.
The men chosen were Sidney Stuart Alexander, of Forest City, Pennsylvania, Elmer Richard Best, of Cheviot, Ohio, Robert Carlton Hall, of Brookline, John Bamber Hickam, of Galveston, Texas, Harold Burton Jaffee, of New York City, Robert Hey Rawson, of Abington, Robert Dayton Sall, of Mattapan, and Robert Morton Terrall, of Lakewood, Ohio.
In addition to maintaining perfect scholastic records, these men have been prominent in extra-curricular activities. Alexander is a member of the Debating Council. Best and Jaffee were winners of the Elizabeth Wilder Prize in their Freshman year, and Jaffee will take a leading role in the annual Leverett House play. Besides being an editor of the CRIMSON, Hall is a member of the Student Council and a high-jump such as Harvard has not seen for several years. Hickam has been active in Phillips Brooks House affairs. Rawson is a Jayvee hockey star, while Terrall is President of the Lampoon.
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