
On The Screen

Fenway: "While the Patient slept," 1.10, 3.46, 6.22, 8.58. "Under Pressure," 2.27, 5.03, 7.39, 10.15.

Fine Arts: "The Wandering Jew," 1.10, 3.20, 5.30, 7.40, 9.50.

Loew's State: "Folies Bergere," 1.05, 4.10, 7,17, 10.20. "Death Flies East," 11.59, 3.05, 6.11, 9.17.

Majestic: "Lily of Killarney," 11.26, 1.04, 2.48, 4.36, 6.20, 8.04, 9.48.

Metropolitan: "Ruggles of red Gap," 11, 1.47, 4.35, 7.25, 10.15.


Modern: "Rumba," 9.20, 11.50, 2.20, 4.50, 7.20, 9.50. "Rocky Mountain Mystery," 10.40, 1.10, 3.40, 6.10, 8.40.

RKO Keith's: "The Little Colonel," 10, 11.59, 1.58, 3.57, 5.56, 7.55.

Keith Boston: "Great Hotel Murder," 10.32, 1.28, 4.24, 7.20, 10.07.

Tremont: "Lady by Choice' and "The Human Side," Continuous, 9 A.M. to 11 P.M.

University: "The County Chairman," 3.30, 6.30, 9.30, "Enter Madame," 2.10, 5.10, 8.10.
