
Union Society Elects Moore And Four Other New Officers

Debaters Choose Members of '38 Team For Spring Schedule

John Andrew Moore '38, of Clayton, Missouri, was elected president of the Union Society last night before the debate held in the Union.

Other officers of the organization are: vice-president, Robert E. Wernick; secretary, Josiah W. Bennett; and two members of the executive committee, John L. Calvocorcssi, and Isadore Kline.

The subject of last evening's debate was "Resolved, That the power of the Supreme Court to review legislation be abolished." Robert T. Benjamin was the first speaker of the evening, and upheld the honor of the nine heavy judiciaries, while the affirmative forces were led by Robert J. Cumming.

The speaker's platform was then surrendered to extemporaneous debators, and their orations were used as the basis for selecting members of the Freshman team. Three debates, prior to the HYP triangular discussion on April 29, have been arranged. They are with Exeter, Brown, and Dartmouth.
