This evening the final stage in Harvard's new deal in football will be completed when the Athletic Committee meets under the chairmanship of William J. Bingham '16 to give its official approval to Coach Dick Harlow's slate of assistant coaches.
Just what this slate will be is anyone's guess, for any man who teaches a modified Warner system is eligible if the new Head Coach thinks he has the stuff. All that can be predicted is that Wes Fesler alone of the present staff seems to stand a good chance of holding his job under the new regime.
Casey's line coach of the past season, Adam Walsh, despite the fine performance he turned in throughout the fall, doesn't look like a logical man for Harlow football.
The rest of the old order, Myles Lane, Cliff Gallagher of the Freshman, and Jimmy Knox of the Jayvees, probably won't be back in their present positions when the boys start booting the pigskin again. Knox, though, might well be kept on as a scout.
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