
Meeting of Candidates for Spring Soccer Will Be Held

Plans Made for Trip to Bermuda Next Christmas Vacation

A meeting of all Freshmen and Upperclassmen interested in informal spring soccer practice will be held this evening at 7 o'clock in the Varsity Club. Several games to the played later in the term have already been arranged with semi-professional clubs in and around Boston.

Although the Bermuda trip originally scheduled for this season has been cancelled, plans have been made for a similar excursion next year during Christmas vacation, in which men trying out for soccer this season will have a chance to participate. Practice is schedules to start on Monday, April 8, and will continue every afternoon for three weeks thereafter.

Robert Poole, coach of the Jayvees, will be unavailable this season since he will be occupied with Varsity lacrosse. Coach Jack Carr will take his place.
