

Bowditch Will President and Sprague, Moore, are Perry Will Be Judges of Speaking in Music Building

Ten upperclassmen who were retained in the two preliminary tryouts for the Lee Wade and Boylston Prizes for Elocution will speak this evening in the final competition which will be held at 8 o'clock in the John Knowles Paine Hall at the Music Building.

E. Francis Bowditch '35, Second Marshal of the Senior Class will preside, with Bliss Perry, professor-emeritus, Edward C. Moore, professor-emeritus, and Oliver M. W. Sprague '94, professor of Banking and Finance, acting as judges.

History of Prize

Established is 1817, the Boylston Prize is one of the oldest offered by the University. It was founded by Ward Nicholas Boylston, who established the Boylston Professorship in Rhetoric and Oratory, and consists of one award of $50 and two of $35 each. The Lee Wade Prize was founded in 1915 by Dr. Francis Henry Wade in memory of his son, Lee Wade, II '14, and consists of one award of $50.

List of Speakers


Those men who will speak this evening are: Henry V. Poor '36, who will give "The Hound of Heaven," by Francis Thompson, William T. Dean, Jr. '37, giving "The Insulated Life," by Nicholas Murray Butler; Gilman Sullivan '36, who will give Robert Emmet's Under Sentence of Death"; Alexander Vardack '35, giving an excerpt from Victory Hugo's "Last Day of a Condemned Man"; Robert A. Robinson '36, giving an excerpt from Charles Evans Hughes' "Tribute to Oliver Wendell Holmes on his Ninetieth Birthday"; Robert Dunn '37 who will give an excerpt from "A Song of Unending Sorrow," Po Chu-I, translated by Witter Bynner; Arthur Szathmary '37, giving an excerpt from Edward Arlington Robinson's "Tristram"; Paul Killiam, Jr. '37, who will give an excerpt from "Poetry and the Moods of the Public," by Maurice Baring; Roy W. Winsauer '36, who will give Mercutio's speech on Queen Mab from "Romeo and Juliet"; and Shiperd Robinson, giving excerpts from James Bryant Conant's 1934 Baccalaureate Sermon.
