

Fomented by years of discontent among individuals, organized protest against the kind of meals served in the Houses has at long last developed in Lowell. The movement is noteworthy for two reasons. Not only has the Lowell House Committee sponsored the protest, but also it has noted specific grievances. If the Committee's action is to be followed by improvement in meals, all the other Houses must join Lowell. Although some of the individual grievances may vary, they have a similar interest in concerted action.

Sour milk, grisly meat, and bounceable eggs, mentioned in the Lowell report, are absolutely inexcusable and more than sufficient to spoil and otherwise edible meal. Other objections, of somewhat wider application, may be noted.

Among the most important is the ridiculously unsuccessful attempt at fanciness. Disguised under a bewildering variety of names, for which the French usually have to take a new and unpleasant responsibility, old stand-bys like stew are eventually discovered. Only initiates, through long association, remember that Milanaise, Fricandeau, etc., are inevitably connected with certain dishes. One sage diner successfully adopted the simple plan of steering a proportionally wider berth, the longer the French name.

Not many subscribe to the theory that improvements should be brought about if a higher price was levied on students. Improvement can and must come within the present price range. With more emphasis on simplicity, a considerable saving could be made. This saving in turn could be used to improve the quality and variety of the food served. To this end other Houses than Lowell should take action, for it is only by the effect of massed student opinion that changes for the better will be made.
