
Skinner Chosen New Head of House Committee at Lowell

Watt and Culver Elected Officers at Committee Meeting

At a meeting of the Lowell House Committee last night George T. Skinner '36, of New Wales, Pa., was chosen the new chairman of the House Committee to succeed Arthur W. Todd '35. Other officers elected were William J. Watt '37, secretary; and Perry J. Culver '37, treasurer.

Watt succeeds Wilton S. Burton '36 as secretary, while Culver succeeds Skinner, the new head of the House Committee, as treasurer.

Preliminary plans for the Lowell House dance were announced after the meeting of the House Committee. The dance will be held on May 10, and the price of tickets will be $3 per couple, and $2 stag.

Culver, the new treasurer of the House Committee, was chosen chairman of the dance. The orchestra has not yet been announced.
