In Delaware, Indiana, and Tennessee both houses of the State legislatures have passed a bill described by its supporters as "a commendable effort to outlaw the Communist Party." The bill, which advocates the barring from state ballots of political parties preaching "sedition or treason," or the "overthrow of the government by force or violence," is pending in eleven other states at present. The most vigorous supporters of the bill are the American Legion and the Eiks, both having been inflamed by the Sage of San Simeon's anti-radical editorials. Opposing the bill are the vast propaganda resources of the American Civil Liberties Union.
On both sides there is unmistakable evidence of bigotry, lack of foresight, and general unintelligence. That an issue could be raised over such a question is an indication that legislation in America is in a pitifully decadent state. In the first place, the proposal of a bill denying suffrage to a group large enough to be termed a political party is proof that the state legislators are not even slightly acquainted with either the state or federal constitutions. On the other hand, opposition to the bill assumes the prerogative of a superior court, judging what a state legislature may or may not do.
If a state legislature is foolish enough to pass such a bill any attempt to arouse public opinion against it will but entrench them more firmly in their stubborn support; especially if the propaganda employed is so ridiculous as to construe the bill as a direct attack against all laborers. Obviously the only intelligent course of action is to await the arrival of a test case, or better still, create a test case, and push it to the Supreme Court. The opposition of ignorant propaganda to ignorant propaganda will inevitably produce a stupid mess.
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