(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
In reference to your article in the CRIMSON of March 20th, in which you stated that "The Liberal Club voted last night to join in the anti-war strike which the National Student League will stage on April 12th," may I point out that the anti-war strike, as well as being sponsored by nation-wide organizations, is locally being "staged" by the Continuations Committee of the Armistice Day Anti-War Conference? This committee includes delegates not only from the N.S.L., but also from the Young People's Religious Union, The Student League for Industrial Democracy. The Emerson and The Tufts Liberal Clubs, The Harvard Peace Society, The Community Church, The Harvard Unity Club, The Second Church of Boston, and now The Harvard Liberal Club.
In view of the fact that so many organizations are involved, I hope that you will correct the error. R. S. Brainerd, Chairman: The Harvard Peace Society.
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