
Howe to Be Next President Of the Instrumental Clubs

Succeeds Franklin Whitbeck; Jones Freshman Representative

John S. Howe '36 will be president of the Instrumental Clubs next year, it was announced last night. He will succeed Franklin P. Whitbeck '35. Gilbert B. Jones '38 will hold the newly instituted office of Freshman Representative.

Other oillcers elected were A. Sterling MacDonald '36, Vice-President; Thomas A. Bittinbender '36, Secretary; Sturgis Warner '37, Treasurer; Theodore C. Osborne '37, Librarian; James A. Ford '37, Director of Specialties; F. Lee H. Wendel '38, Publicity Director; Russell G. Scott '36, Manager.

Joseph F. Robbins '36, Leader of the Vocal Club; Rudger T. Miller '36, Leader of the Banjo Club; Gordon F. Robertson '36, Leader of the Mandolin Club; John P. Ayer '37, Leader of the Gold Coast Orchestra.
