What would Harvard do without the National Student League? Alone and bravely, representing the unknown, undiscovered, and unconscious will of the majority of Harvard students, the league defends our university against the insidious Fascist propaganda which is attacking it on all sides, and endangering liberty and freedom of speech.
After recognizing the heroism of German soldiers, and setting up a tablet in their honor, Harvard has been insulted, and its chapel defiled, by a wreath placed under said tablet bearing the official mark and colors of the German people. Not only that, but the German representative in Boston did the dastardly deed, under the guise of recognizing Harvard's breadth of mind in honoring the memories of America's former enemies.
But the National Student League jumped to the rescue. Tearing the veil of an innocent gesture from Germany's face, it bared the deed in all its enormity. It discovered an insult and a degradation. Harvard is protected.
Thank God for the National Student League. If it hadn't been for them, Harvard might have let the incident pass, and thanked the German government for the gesture of friendliness and recognition arising from the university's recognition of its German heroes. Harvard might have taken the gesture at its face value, and in its innocent and unsuspicious heart been grateful. Now all is out.
What would Harvard do without the National Student League?
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