
N.S.L. Protests

Incensed by Baron Von Tippelskirsch's placing of a wreath beneath the tablet of the four German students of Harvard who were killed in the service of their country, the N.S.L. last night issued the following mandatory protest:

"The National Student League of Harvard University demands the immediate removal of the Nazi wreath from Memorial Church.

"The University should not have even considered permitting this wreath to disfigure the walls of a building supposedly devoted to the preservation of peace and all that is fine in human relationships; it is evident to all that the wreath represents a government which preaches a fevered nationalism and conducts hysterical racial massacres.

"However, the swastika wreath is not an insult to the Harvard Chapel alone, it is a brazen and sneering affront to the entire University, for the wreath is an emblem of a regime which has terrorized the students and professors of Germany, and which has reduced the splendid German national culture to an incoherent barbarism. That the friends and representatives of the Hitler government should dare to lay this swastika wreath in the name of peace, at the precise moment when Hitler, throwing aside all pretense, is arming his enslaved nation to the teeth, is a glaring example of the obscene hypocrisy which is typical of Fascist decay.

Smiled the Baron, after reading the blast, "You can see for yourself how little perturbed I am.
