
Lining Them Up

The best team Yale has produced in many years defeated the best team Harvard has developed in an equal period last Saturday in the Garden, but the hockey situation for the coming years looks decidedly favorable for the Crimson. Yale is graduating nine of her varsity team while Harvard is only losing five.

Harvard's graduations will be felt most severely at the points as both Captain Bill Watts and Dick Dow will leave the College in June. Without the services of both of these men the history of the past season would have been much altered. Fortunately Thornton Brown came along in time to fill the gap created by Dow's forced retirement because of injuries and he will probably continue to carry on in that position.

Hicks and Allen Coming Up

Stubb's is fortunate, however, in having Sam Hicks come up from the Freshmen to work beside Brown. Hicks has played a brilliant game this year and has shown such a capacity for taking the rubber down the ice that he presents himself as the logical candidate to take Dunbar Holmes' place in the "H" line. The Crimson is a little superstitious about the letter "H" these days, and it might be a good psychological move to cater to the idea.

Captain Russell Allen of the Freshman team plays beside Hicks and turns in a steady game which resembles that of Watts to a great extent. He is sure to be one of Stubb's dependables. Dick Claflin and Norman Pell played well on the Jayvee team in their single scrimmage against Yale, and it is possible that both will be of some use during the coming season. Claflin accompanied the squad to New Haven last week but only had to be used for three minutes while Brown was rested. The only other candidate for a point position is Jimmy Roberts, but no one seems to sure whether he will be used there or on the wings as he has been shifting back and forth wherever he was needed.


The fight for goalie will be more stereotyped next year than it was this winter. Emerson is one of the better goalies in the League although he did seem to be out of position too much in the last game with Yale. He will undoubtedly get the first call with Waldinger and Cliff Morey, the present first year guardian, ready as capable substitutes. Franklin Reece will be the only varsity loss in this department.

Lines Almost Intact

With five sets of wings now available, there are prospect of four full lines and two additional sets of wings ready for next year. Dunbar Holmes will be the only center to leave while Bill Lincoln is the only wing to graduate. Lincoln has not fitted well into the present arrangement of lines and so has not played often although he has been a letter man for two years.

These two vacancies will be filled by the Freshman first line of Weeks, Roberts and Cutter and several of the Jayvee skaters. Roberts has shown himself one of the better prospects and will have no trouble in justifying a claim for a Varsity post. All the other position are intact which leaves Harvard with two complete Varsity lines. Hallowell and Hovenanian, and numerous shock troops capable of filling any position.

It is rather pleasant to take just a momentary glance at the Yale team for next year. Mills, the wing responsible for two of the Eli goals last Saturday, has been elected Captain and of all the men who skated with him in that game only the mediocre Sophomore line and Lyndon Wilson, who played at left defense, will be on the ice next year. The Class of 1935 furnished more men for the Eli squad than any class has ever done, and this is the year '35 leaves the Colleges.
