
Instrumental Clubs to Give Concert at Andover Tonight

Sargent and Whitbeck Present Banjo Duct; Yard Quartet Will Play

In the second of two concerts scheduled for the weekend, the Instrumental Clubs will play at Phillips Andover Academy this evening at 8.30 o'clock. Yesterday evening the combined Banjo, Mandolin, and Vocal Clubs presented a similar program at Worcester.

Tonight the Banjo Club will play "Officer of the Day," by Hall, and a Football Medley, arranged by Rice; while the Vocal Club will render "Pop Goes the Weasel," "Song of the Volga Boatmen," "John Peel," and "Fair Harvard. "Espana," by Waldteufel, and "Pizicatti," by Delibes will be played by the Mandolin Club.

Edward R. Sargent '36 and Franklin P. Whitbeck '35 will play a Banjo Duet, while Edwin G. Davis, Jr. '38, John A. Carter '37, George H. Spencer '38, and George W. Wickersham '35 will comprise the Yard Quartet.
