

The Seven Days

Stalemated on the gargle front, Dr. Means and Dr. Hathaway have resorted to tactics in an unexpected quarter. It seems that science, logic, and philosophy have apparently not been able to determine the number of days in a week. Dr. Means thinks that from one Wednesday to another is a week but Dr. Hathaway counts to seven on his fingers and finds it is Tuesday.

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Then we thought. Good heavens, we have a real tory at Harvard who preaches the eight-day week, ran our mind. Why we have discovered that the medical profession is worse than the Morgans who never thought of such a diabolical scheme. Is the next Long-Coughlin-Johnson battle going to be waged over Harvard University? We hope so, we have written them all about it and Mr. Richberg for good measure. To think that Harvard has a real chocolate soldier with an underslung vocabulary.

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We forgot to say that the Cambridge Health Department, dangerously close to ERA and CWA funds, backs up Dr. Means with the rash statement that a week contains 163 hours. But we did tell all about the revolt which this Means-Hathaway quibble has started among Harvard's exiles. Dr. Hathaway is being persecuted and when anyone is looking he must release his patients a day later than he did last week. If you have an impressive bearing, however, they say you can get out on his old time. This discrimination is raising havoc but that is tomorrow's story.


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Editors Note:--

The following telegram was received late last night from a Crimson-in-Stillman-editor: Stillman special stop Liberalism of New Deal has invaded infirmary stop Means prescribed Lavoris for two patients stop Rumor that Ward B would be blessed by phone not carried into effect stop No doubt powers that be are arguing over advisability of one of French design rather than prevalent type stop For your information doctors are making time of release dependent on extent of recovery stop all calendars removed from Stillman today stop I get out Thursday for God's sake rush replacements.
