
Red Cross Corps Formed by Students for Social Study

Organization Will Survey Agencies of Cambridge and Boston

Proclaiming a two-fold purpose of community service and development of an international spirit, a new organization, the Graduate's Corps of the American Red Cross, has been founded at Harvard.

Working in conjunction with the Brooks House, the association will restrict its work for the remainder of this year to a study of the sociological methods employed by agencies about Boston. Perkins Institute will receive especial attention, and the leader of the movement, Chester G. Ormond '38, has announced that his organization will cooperate with the officials of Perkins in their work.

The second aim of the newly formed branch will be accomplished by establishing similar clubs in foreign countries.

Open meetings are held once a month in the American Red Cross Headquarters at 347 Commonwealth Avenue at 7.30 o'clock, with the regular headquarters at Brooks House. The next meeting of the club will be on March 21.
