

Crew Will Go on River This Afternoon If Ice Has Broken Up Sufficiently, Whiteside Plans

Two Varsity crews may forsake the warmth of the indoor tank this afternoon and brave the chilly waters of the Charles if Charlie Whiteside considers that the ice has broken sufficiently to permit the coxes to navigate around the floes.

The first boat will be manned by: stroke, Samuel S. Drury, Jr. '35; seven, Leonard P. Eliel; six, Edward B. Simmons '37; five, Thomas H. Choate '37; four, James E. Gardner '36; three, Henry F. Atherton, Jr. '36; two, John P. Austin '37; and bow, Raymond S. Clark '36.

In a meeting held for crew candidates last Friday. Coach Whiteside stressed the importance of winning the early season races. A season cannot be termed successful, he intimated, unless the majority of races have been won, even if the Yale encounter should end in a victory. The Princeton-M.I.T. meet on Saturday, April 27, is the season opener.

Bert Haines, likewise, is prepared to launch several Freshman crews. The yearlings will be put in the Leviathan until the river is completely free of ice.

The first Freshman boat now includes the following: stroke, David G. Chase; seven, Edmund S. Twining, Jr.; six, Douglas Erickson; five, John S. Radway; four, John L. Senior, Jr.; three, John H. Gardiner; two, John R. Clark; and bow, Peter T. Brooks.
