

New System of Numbering Initiated For Flexibility -- Samuel Hazzard Cross Advanced

After 36 years of service as instructor and assistant professor of English, Gustavus Howard Maynadier '89 has handed in his resignation to University Hall, and will end his long career at Harvard in June.

Coincident with this news came the announcement of the promotion of Bartlett Jere Whiting '25 as assistant professor and tutor in the Division of Modern Languages, the first of several expected steps toward the reorganization of the English Department.

The Department also made known yesterday that they have reorganized the course numbers in the catalogue to allow greater flexibility in its program. Before the end of the year, these new developments under James B. Munn '12, chairman, are expected to take even more concrete form.

Replaces Babbitt

It was also learned yesterday that the appointment of Philippe J. F. Baldensperger Wednesday as professor of Modern Comparative Literature is largely designed to fill the gap left by the late Irving Babbitt '89, whose death removed Harvard's chief figure in the field of French literature.


Dr. Maynadier's course on the English novel, English 29, has become one of the most popular in the Department. He also conducts English 12, a composition course. He came to Harvard as an instructor, after taking his Ph.D. in 1898, and was promoted to the rank of assistant professor in 1929. While he could not be reached last night, it is understood that he will continue to live in Cambridge.

Since there are an unusually large number of full professors in relation to associates and assistants in the Department, it is considered that Mr. Whiting's appointment will be the first of a series to the lower professorial grades.

Cross Promoted

Another important promotion announced yesterday is that of Samuel Hazzard Cross '12, as associate professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures. Mr. Cross has been connected with the Faculty since 1927 when he was appointed Lecturer in History.

Mr. Cross, after serving in the War, was detailed to the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. During the next seven years he held diplomatic posts at Brussels and the Hague. The editor of the Speculum, he has lectured on European trade and commerce at Georgetown University and been associated with the Commerce Department.

Three other promotions were also announced yesterday: Joseph Leonard Walsh '16 as professor of Mathematics, Hassler Whitney as assistant professor of Mathematics, and John Gilbert Beebe-Center '19 as Lecturer in Psychology. Dr. Alice Hamilton has resigned her position as assistant professor of Hygiene at the Medical School, a position which she has held since 1919
