
Varsity Racqueteers Upset Lincoln Inn Squash Outfit

Sargent, Glidden to Compete in State Champion Playoff

Winning every match, the Harvard Squash racquetmen, led by No. 1 man, E. Rotan Sargent '36 decisively defeated the Lincoln Inn team last night at the Linden St. Courts. The victory of Coach Harry J. Cowles men places Harvard close to the top of the Massachusetts Squash Tournament rankings.

The Harvard men had little difficulty winning their matches. Sargent, Huntington Thom '35, and S. George Haskins '36 won their matches by 3-0 scores. Richard W. Gilder '36 defeated Black of Lincoln Inn three games to one, and Germain Glidden '36 won by a 3-2 score.

Next Saturday, Sargent and No. 2 man Glidden, both having entered in the Massachusetts State Tournament, and having won their respective brackets, will compete for the State Championship, in which Coach Cowles expects both men to do well.
