


Plans for the next half-year's activities, as recently announced by the Debating Council, include contests with Dartmouth and Holy Cross; the annual HYP classic; and further attention to the organization of House debating clubs. Negotiations are also under way to schedule debates with the University of Hawaii, Leland Stanford University, and Georgetown University.

"Resolved: That the several states should pass legislation for the socialization of medicine" is the issue over which the Dartmouth event will be waged on February 14, as the Crimson speakers champion the affirmative. Station WNAC has made its facilities available for the broadcasting of this contest.

On the basis of general tryouts to be held in the offices of the Council, 1286 Massachusetts Avenue, on Thursday, at four o'clock, teams will be chosen for all debates of this spring with the exception of the HYP triangular contest. Candidates, who need have no previous experience, will each deliver a three-minute speech on either side of any one of the the three questions--

"Resolved: That the several states should pass legislation for the socialization of medicine"; "Resolved: That the 30-hour week should be adopted in American Industry"; and "Resolved: That Hawaii should be admitted to the Union as a state."

On March 1, members of the Council will journey to Worcester to meet Holy Cross; the issue is as yet undetermined. The annual HYP debate will probably take place in the latter part of March.


Under the leadership of A. Gilman Sullivan '36, executive secretary in charge of House Debating, the Council will sponsor the organization of debating clubs in the Houses to afford practice in public speaking.

Consideration is being given to a proposed radio debate with the University of Hawaii, as well as to contests with Leland Stanford and Georgetown Universities

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