
Competition Affords Aspiring Editorial Writers Chance to Gain Contact With Harvard Problems

Preliminary Meeting for Interested Juniors and Sophomores Wednesday Night

In an introductory meeting in the President's office at 7.15 Wednesday evening the CRIMSON will open a competition for the Editorial Board. Sophomores and Juniors who have opinions about college administration and world affairs and would like to express them in editorial style are invited to compete for positions on the board.

The competition for this board will be of uncertain duration, depending upon the candidate's ability, achievement, and interest. In no case will it be shorter than three weeks, nor longer than eight weeks. Each candidate will be expected to write two editorials a night. Men will be taken on the board when they have demonstrated their ability to write tersely and coherently, to select and discuss subjects intelligently, and shown an interest in perfecting the editorial pages of the CRIMSON.

This competition affords every candidate an opportunity to inquire more deeply into college problems than he ordinarily would and to interview members of the Faculty and officials in University Hall, a valuable experience in itself. Probably the greatest advantage, however, is derived from expressing in coherent and forceful English, ideas and opinions that need to be crystallized in writing to assume their true worth and comprehensibility.

Those critics of the CRIMSON and its editorial policy or lack of one will have an opportunity to express their opinions to editors personally, where it will do the most good. If it is justified. The CRIMSON solicits ideas for improvement and welcomes to its competition those who have constructive ideas on policy. Those who have ideas about new columns for the editorial page or who have a special aptitude for unusual types of journalistic writing are invited to bring their suggestions to the editors when the competition opens.

No candidate will be kept in competition longer than necessary to prove his worth. Those who fail to demonstrate ability will be cut at the moment they show definite signs of inability. Most of the work may be done outside of the building and a minimum of time will be required each evening for the reading of the contributions of the candidates.


Summarily, the advantages are two-fold. First, the candidate learns to adapt his thinking to a new medium of expression and second, he has an opportunity to discuss college problems with members of the Faculty and University officials.

The CRIMSON invites all men who have an intelligent and critical interest in University problems and world affairs to compete for the Editorial Board. It invites its critics to lay their charges at its door, and it will examine them impartially
