Outlawing the company union is the issue on which the Harvard Debating Council will clash with a visiting team from Leland Stanford tonight at 7.15 o'clock in the Upper Common Room of the Union. The Stanford team is now on a transcontinental tour and this is the first time Harvard and Stanford have met in debate.
The question is "Resolved, That all collective bargaining be done through non-company unions, protected by law." The Harvard speakers, Powers McLean '35 and A. Gilman Sullivan '36 will uphold the affirmative. The Stanford debaters, nearing the end of their first Eastern trip are John P. MacFarland and Robert A. Grantier.
The debate is being held under the auspices of the Freshman Union Society, of which Paul Reardon 3L is sponsor. It will be a no-decision debate and following the regular speeches, all members of the audience will have the privilege of participating in extemporaneous discussion.
This is in keeping with the Debating Council's policy of encouraging discussion, and is especially designed to give experience to members of the Freshman Union Society who will have formal speaking trials next week. The debate is open to all members of the University.
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock the Harvard-Stanford debate will be repeated over the radio through station WNAC, and its affiliated stations WNBH and WLLH.
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