

Harvard Third Class Team Leaves on Thursday Afternoon to Spend Two Days Practicing for Sunday Meet

With bright prospects for another win in the Gunstock Trail Race, the most important third class race in the East, the Harvard ski team will leave for Guilford, New Hampshire, Thursday, to get in a few days' practice under Coach Charley Proctor before the Sunday race.

The third class team, which won the Massachusetts Championship on Mt. Grace two weeks ago, has as leading contenders Harold T. White, Jr. '37, Thomas Motley, 2nd '38, Frederick S. Bigelow '38, William F. Loomis '36, and Henry S. Parker, Jr. '36.

There is no second class race, but all the skiers are joining the party under Proctor's guidance. They are going to spend a day each on the Wild Cat, the Taft, and the Hell's Highway trails.

Proctor is a former Olympic champion and the outstanding trail designer in this country. He laid out plans for the Taft and Wild Cat trails.
