
Varsity Squash Team Shuts Out Princeton Racquetmen

By a 5-0 score the Crimson Varsity racquetmen decisively defeated their Princeton opponents, in the squash game played at Princeton last Saturday. Continuing the trend of the last 15 years in which Harvard has lost but one game to the Tigers, the Crimson men had little difficulty in winning, since all the matches consisted of four games or less.

The summary:

Harvard 5, Princeton 0

Edward R. Sargent '36 (H) defeated S. Stephens (P), 15-8, 15-4, 16-4; Germain G. Glidden '36 (H) defeated G. Smith (P), 15-10, 9-15, 15-10, 15-9; Richard W. Gilder '36 (H) defeated j.W. Taylor (P), 13-17, 15-5, 15-12; Stanley G. Haskins '35 (H) defeated S. Rauch (P). 18-15, 45-0, 15-10, 15-10; Huntington Them '35 (H) defeated J. Williams (P), 15-12, 14-16, 15-13, 15-12.
