
Minor Weekend Sports

Fencers Meet Brown Today

The Harvard Varsity and Freshman fencing teams will meet the Brown Varsity and Freshman teams at the Harvard Indoor Athletic Building this afternoon. The Varsity bouts will start at 2 o'clock, and the Freshmen at 3.30 o'clock.

The Harvard Varsity has defeated the Hartford Fencers' Club 16-11 and M.I.T. 23-4 and the Brown Varsity has defeated the Providence Fencers' Club 9 1/2-7 1/2. The Harvard Freshmen defeated Governor Dummer 7-2 and Technology 7-2. The Brown Freshman team has defeated the Providence High School 5-4.

Coach Rene Peroy of Harvard will use Ackerman, Lilienthal, Repun, and Gerber in the foils; Williams, Langenau, Ford, E.O. Miller in epee; Morgan, Sands, Grant, and Reynolds in sabre. Brown will use Avis, Bojar, and Bopp in foils; Olvany and Hulbert in epee; Avis and Bender in sabre.

The Harvard Freshman fencers will be Rowley, Daniels, Davis, Cox, Fulmer, and Sophos in foils; Ashmead, Bird, and Daniels in epee. Brown will have Ballon, Mayer, Jennings in foils; Steele and Mayer in epee.
