
Rifle Club to Shoot Against New Hampshire's Marksmen

Formal Contest to Be Held Tomorrow; Two Postal Matches Lost

In a formal match tomorrow afternoon, the Rifle Club will oppose New Hampshire's marksmen and attempt to chalk up a victory against its last two defeats. The encounter will take place in Memorial Hall at 2 o'clock.

The team emerged defeated from two postal matches held last week. Penn State scored 1353 to the club's 1319, and Norwich won by a score of 1292 to 1263. These two contests were carried on by mail, each team sending its score to the other.

Before the end of the week, the Rifle Club is to conduct its half of postal matches with the University of Pittsburgh and Bowdoin, and on Monday with Columbia and Stevens Tech.

Tomorrow's New Hampshire encounter, however, will be one of the few in which the club members have visible opponents.
