Carefully formulated programs for legislative action drafted by the Liberal Club will be presented to Congress within a month in the form of a petition, it was announced yesterday.
The petition, which will be completed after extended preparation and debate, will contain seven resolutions dealing with foreign policy, money, banking, and public finance, commerce and regulation of industry, agriculture, social security and labor, and government personnel.
Two draft resolutions prepared by the Executive Committee of the Club and dealing with foreign policy and public finance, will be presented to the Club members at a meeting in Kirkland House next Tuesday at 7.30 o'clock. At this meeting the Committee plans to held a parliamentary debate, after which the two resolutions will be amended to meet the approval of the Club as a whole. The remaining resolutions will be discussed at future meetings this month.
Victor H. Kramer '35, president of the Club, expressed the hope that the new plan will provide a means for conducting intelligent debates on matters of public interest.
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